Glass and Window Care Tips for Spotless Sparkle!

Wondering how to get those smudge marks or stubborn dirt and grime off of your glass? As versatile as glass may be, it can also be a tricky material to maintain – especially if you have younger kids or pets. And without using the proper techniques, all of your scrubbing and wiping can end up […]
The Complex Relationship Between Canada’s Winter and Your Windows

The climate in Canada can take a serious toll on your windows, which is why it’s important to remember that all windows are not created equal when it comes to durability and longevity. The different materials, designs, and levels of energy-efficiency will dramatically impact your comfort levels at home, in addition to how often you’ll […]
7 Ways to Use Glass Features to Enhance Your Kitchen

It doesn’t matter if it’s the bathroom, living room, bedroom, or kitchen — when it comes to any home design, the materials that you use really make all the difference. If your kitchen is due for an upgrade, one element that can really enhance the look of it is glass. Aside from it having that […]
How to Turn Your Windows into Christmas Decorations

Ever wonder how certain homes and storefronts get stunning Christmas designs etched into their windows? It’s through a process called sandblasting that creates a “frosted-like” appearance to any glass surface. If you love this rich textured appearance, you can visit us at M&T Glass, and we’ll create just about any Christmas design you’d like on […]
5 Tips to Keep Out those Chilly December Drafts

Even if you don’t mind throwing on an extra layer at home to keep warm, drafts can still leave you with a hefty heating bill at the end of each winter month. And windows can account for almost 30% of heat loss in your home! Improve your comfort and avoid paying more on your energy […]