The Role Your Windows Play in Keeping Your House Warm

The Role Your Windows Play in Keeping Your House Warm

Does your home feel a little colder than usual this fall? Your windows could be to blame. These large features located throughout your home play a significant role in temperature regulation inside your home. And if your windows are outdated or deteriorating, you’ll notice a big difference in the indoor temperature in a relatively short […]

How to Properly Care for Your Windows

How to Properly Care for Your Windows

It only takes a few hours every year to properly care for your windows, but few people take the time to do it. What they don’t know is that the longer you ignore window care and maintenance, the more problems you’ll experience down the road – costly problems that could have been easily avoided. By […]

8 Ways to Brighten Up Your Home

8 Ways to Brighten Up Your Home

If your home isn’t positioned to receive much natural light during the day, it can feel even more dismal during the darker winter months. The good news is that you don’t necessarily have to endure several months of darkness. There are many ways to brighten up your home, even in the winter, with a few […]

Preparing Your Windows for the Spring and Summer

Preparing Your Windows for the Spring and Summer

It’s that time of year again – home maintenance time! As the spring weather finally rolls in after the seemingly never-ending winter, homeowners are eager to grab their buckets of water to get their windows sparkling and summer-ready. Aside from scrubbing away the caked on dirt and grime that’s left over, there are a few […]

Glass and Window Care Tips for Spotless Sparkle!

Glass and Window Care Tips for Spotless Sparkle!

Wondering how to get those smudge marks or stubborn dirt and grime off of your glass? As versatile as glass may be, it can also be a tricky material to maintain – especially if you have younger kids or pets. And without using the proper techniques, all of your scrubbing and wiping can end up […]


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