Condensation On the Inside of Your Window? Here’s Why
If you’re noticing condensation on the inside of your glass panes, you may be wondering about the performance of your windows and whether it’s a cause for concern. Although this can sometimes indicate that it may be time for a window replacement, the reality is that during this time of year, in particular, “sweaty windows” […]
Rain Season is Here: Seal Your Leaks!
With the springtime underway, you can guarantee it means one thing – lots of rain! Spring showers may be a refreshing welcome for your garden and lawn, but when it comes to your windows and structure, it can cause a whole gamut of problems if your windows aren’t sealed properly. To help you avoid any […]
Important Mirror Care Tips
Mirrors are used for a variety of day-to-day activities like personal grooming, driving, decorating, and in architecture. They have become an important part of our lives, providing additional safety, improved aesthetics in our home, and allowing us to see ourselves clearly. Without them, life just wouldn’t be quite the same – which is all the […]
Minimizing Heat Loss
Your windows play a key role in maintaining the consistency of indoor air temperature. They work to keep the warm air inside of your home and the chilly cold air outdoors where it belongs. But if you don’t have adequate insulation due to weak or worn window materials, you can experience uncomfortable temperatures and a […]
Why We Love Glass Kitchen Cabinets
The kitchen is usually the most used and prized room in your home. It’s where you cook, start your day with the family over breakfast, gather when your friends come over for girl’s night, and interact with all of your loved ones. So naturally, you want a kitchen design that you can feel proud to […]