5 Tips for Better Glass Upkeep

glass upkeep children with dog

Whether it’s your mirrors, tabletops or windows, glass surfaces can enhance any area of your home. However, it also requires some particular maintenance every now and again to keep it clean, clear and looking its best over the years. To learn a few tips on better glass upkeep, check out these top suggestions from our […]

Keep Your Glass Clean from Sticky-Fingered Children

girl with sticky fingers

Kids seem to love touching glass surfaces, and keeping the glass areas around your home crystal clear can be a major challenge. If you’re sick of finding smudges and dirt on your mirrors from your children, read on. We provide some simple solutions on how you can get the perfect shine even after your glass […]

How to Care for Mirrors

how to take care of your mirrors and wash them

Adding mirrors to your interior design can work wonders for providing light and the illusion of space to just about any room. They can enhance your walls, allow you to get creative and even artistic with the design and frames. And of course, keeping them crystal clear is as important as the frame they’re in. […]

Why Everyone is Talking About Our Glass Cleaner

M&T glass cleaner

Chances are that if you’ve ever had to clean glass (who hasn’t?) you’ve had to endure that intense, blue spray. It seems to be what many people still rely on, not because they love it, but because it’s the easiest one to grab and go at the store. But as you spray that bold blue […]

Our Glass Cleaner Rocks!

M&T glass cleaner

Are you sick of always finding streaks on your mirrors? No matter how delicately you wipe them down or how attentive you are, it’s hard to get that perfect shine – if you don’t know about M&T Glass Cleaner, that is! The Problem with “The Blue Stuff” You know what brand we’re talking about. The […]


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