Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Get Wild with Custom Shower Units

Are you looking to transform your shower unit into something a little more luxurious? If so, now’s the time to consider getting a custom shower unit where you can spice up your bathroom and finally get the shower experience you’ve always wanted. If this is what you’re after, we’ll show you exactly how you can get wild with customizable shower units without sacrificing the style and design of your home.

Built From The Ground Up

At M&T Glass, our experts will work with you to create a custom shower design that will bring you all the features that you could ever want and need. Whether you’ve got your eye on an extravagant rain shower head or are looking for a bright and modern look, we can build your dream shower from the ground up and customize all the doors, enclosures, and fixtures to look exactly like you had envisioned.

High-Quality Materials That Stand Out

Our top-of-the-line materials are sure to make your shower unit stand out! We never cut corners – we use only the highest quality glass, hardware, and fixtures on the market. And whether you prefer clear tempered glass, frosted, or patterned shower enclosures, we have a variety of styles and designs to transform your bathroom as you like. We also offer Shower Guard, a glass sealant that prevents dirt, soap, and hard water buildup so you never have to scrub your shower again!

Finishes That Match the Aesthetics Of Your Home

Our customizable shower units are equipped with stunning CRL hardware that provides optimal durability and a beautiful sleek look.  There are also plenty of options to choose from, like frameless shower door handles, all glass partitions, and sliding kits to give your shower the look you desire. Plus, you can choose the exact finish, like brushed satin chrome, polished copper, or gold plated to match the style of your home and to accentuate your lifestyle.

Your Own Personal Oasis

At M&T Glass, we believe that you deserve a relaxing and soothing oasis after a hard day’s work. With our custom-made shower units, you can enjoy a relaxing and luxurious shower experience.

When its time to transform your dull or outdated bathroom into a stunning oasis, trust M&T Glass to create a beautiful and exquisite space with our customizable shower units. To learn more and connect with one of our glass specialists, contact us today!

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