How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

How to Create the Perfect Winter Sunroom Gathering Space

If you think that sunrooms are only for the summer, you’re missing out! You can enjoy your outdoor view in optimal comfort during the winter as well. It just takes some planning and proper insulation to reduce heat loss. Check out these simple ways to create the perfect winter sunroom gathering space that offers both comfort and style.

Install Energy Efficient Windows

When you want to enjoy your sunroom during the winter, you want to make sure it doesn’t send your energy bills through the roof. To prevent heat loss, you need to install quality energy efficient windows. Windows like ENERGY STAR windows lose very little heat in the winter and are the perfect type for your winter sunroom.

Add Heating To Your Space

If your home has central heating and air conditioning system you may want to consider putting duct vents into your new sunroom. If you only have a small sunroom space, you can easily add some electric baseboards to provide ample heat during the winter months, keeping the room cozy and warm for your guests.

Apply Plastic Coatings To Keep Heat In

Once you have a warm sunroom, you will want to keep that heat inside. The best way to do this is to add a layer of polyurethane window plastic to the windows. The plastic will act as an insulator and tightly seal your windows to reduce any heat from leaking outdoors. Best of all, the transparent film won’t sacrifice your view, allowing you to enjoy all the beautiful winter views outside.

Try Plexiglass Coverings For Optimal Comfort

If the forecast this year is calling some extra frigid weather, you may want to install something more heavy duty than just plastic coatings. Plexiglass is an excellent insulating material that is a more durable and resilient option. These coverings are known to improve the R-value of windows, being very effective at maintaining the comfort level in your sunroom throughout the winter.

Decorate For Winter Gatherings

Another way to create the perfect winter sunroom gathering space is by making it cozy and inviting with some classic winter styles. Think big fur blankets, bows and wreaths, soft-hued LED lights, and a cozy area that includes comfortable seating for gatherings. You can also make the inside of your sunroom as colourful as your garden has been all throughout the summer. There are plenty of vibrant plants you can fill your winter sunroom with to add some colour.

When you’re looking to create the perfect winter sunroom, contact us at M&T Glass. We can help you find the right materials to ensure you get the best insulation and design to have the sunroom of your dreams.

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