5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

Sealed glass unit

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

5 Signs Your Sealed Unit Needs Repairing

Ever wonder why the best performing windows on the market today are triple pane? It’s because these provide not just one chamber, but two sealed chambers to ensure an air-tight fit. The chambers are filled with a gas to create a strong barrier that can keep the ever-changing temperatures from entering your home. And, although they are incredibly durable and reliable, there are several things that can cause your seal to fail. If you suspect that your window seal has failed, check this list first to see if you are experiencing the tell-tale signs that your sealed units need repairing.

Glass Inside is Foggy

Has the glass inside your sealed unit become foggy? Condensation is likely the culprit. When water vapor gets inside your windows, it’s a sure sign that your sealed unit has failed. Replacing your windows with new energy-efficient ones is your best option.

Glass Distortion

When the glass looks distorted, it’s usually a sign that your sealed unit needs repairing. In most cases, the krypton or argon gas starts to leak out which can cause the unit to start collapsing into the center, creating a distorted look. If you notice any change in the glass like this, it’s time to contact a glass expert.

Water Leaks

If there is water pooling around your window or coming in via the frame, it may be a sign that the seal is failing. A window repair expert should be contacted to repair the seal before you experience any wood rot, mold or mildew.  

Cracked or Chipped Windows

Even small chips can ruin your sealed units. In the case of damage, a replacement is the only remedy. Otherwise, you will experience condensation in the panes which will impact the performance of the window.


If you’ve noticed a draft coming from your window, it’s likely that the seal has broken down. This can be remedied by replacing the weather seals or by upgrading the window to improve the efficiency level.

To keep your home warm in the winter and cool in the summer, your sealed units need to be working optimally. If you need a repair or replacement, choose M&T Glass. We provide the best products and service in the Ottawa area and are happy to come and inspect your windows at any time. Contact us today!

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